We had a show booth at the
National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville Kentucky earlier in the month. With over 300,000 farmers through the doors over 4 days, it was great talking to many of you at the show.
I also want to drop some names of some others we had the privilege of spending some time with.
Successful Farming magazine was out in full force with Curt Blades working their booth with Greg Pedersen aka "
Machinery Pete". Dave Mowitz was also checking out the new equipment for future articles in the magazine.
It was nice to once again say Hi to Tom Davis, the publisher of Successful Farming
Thanks to the guys at
Phoenix Rotary Harrow for the hospitality. Russell Clark, Todd Botterill, and Bob Botterill.
Lots of entertainment watching the different distributors selling
AgCams Great seeing Dave and Chissy Rubey again, and it was fun meeting Andy Glover , if only for the drive across town for dinner. Thanks again for the Tractor Pull ticket Andy.
It was an amazing show, and we look forward to being back again in '07